Great Lakes Energy partners with rural institutions, businesses and NGOs to help them with their energy challenges. We provide extensive energy consulting that allows our clients to choose the most practical and economical energy solutions for their needs. Often the best solution is a PV system, in which case we design, install and maintain the system. We help our clients maximize their return on investment by providing them with energy efficient equipment, and by training the users on the proper use of the technology.

Solar energy is an ideal technology for Rwanda, because of the high levels of sun present in this region. Properly designed, it is also extremely reliable. Rwanda needs renewable sources of energy in order to continue growth, and is committed to propagating the use of renewables.

Project Highlights

Below you’ll find a few of our projects that we’ve completed over the years

Some of our clients

Solar energy can deliver a long-term, sustainable, reliable energy supply, and can meet virtually any level of energy demand, with “green”, emission free electricity production. In today’s world of energy shortages, heightened awareness of global warming, and rapidly increasing energy demand, the use of solar energy is key to the state of our environment and to economic growth.

Service Contracts

The problem that plagues and debilitates most solar energy systems is lack of maintenance. Depending on the type of batteries used, the battery bank can require regular maintaining. Too often this is not done on site, and batteries fail, rendering the system useless, shortly after installation.

Other tasks and checks should be made on a solar energy system periodically. It is possible to train someone on site to do the more basic operations required, but often the person who has been delegated this task lacks the appreciation and diligence to get the work done. Solar energy systems are expensive. This expense is feasible only if the system will operate for many years. Don’t leave this to chance.

Contact us with your questions regarding our service contracts.